Prioritizing Rooms to Paint in Your House

Painting your home is the easiest way to make it feel fresh and new again. If painting multiple rooms in your house isn’t convenient or is not within your budget, asking a few key questions can help you prioritize which rooms to paint first.

The first question we ask customers is why they are painting.

  • Are you painting to prepare your house for resale? If so, we will likely guide you towards focusing on key common areas (kitchen and living room) and the master suite. Paint is often a great way to make an older bathroom feel more inviting.
  • Painting before moving into your new home? In this scenario, we would suggest painting the areas where the paint color is most offensive to you or areas that feel dirty/worn. Closets are often a space that feels worn and is relatively inexpensive to paint. Plus, it is much easier to paint a closet before you have filled it with your stuff.

We also consider the following:

  • Does the area get a lot of foot traffic? Are the walls and trim damaged? Some simple prep work on damaged walls and trim, along with new paint, will greatly improve the look.
  • Do the colors fit your style? Dated colors make a space feel old. Updating to colors that fit your style is the cheapest way to renovate a home. Check out our blog post to see how different colors can change the feel of a room.
  • Do the baseboards look dirty? While some Simple Green and a washcloth can do a lot for your baseboards, some times a fresh coat of paint is needed to get a truly clean look.

Answering these questions can be a helpful tool to determine which areas need painting first. If you have additional questions, please feel free to email us at

Whether painting just your kitchen and living room or painting your whole house, at Helix Painting we aim to make the project as easy and painless as possible. We pride ourselves on superior quality and customer service, so you can focus on enjoying your home.

Call 720-445-9856 or click here to schedule a FREE estimate today!
